Friday, February 4, 2011

Greco-Roman Architecture

     "The  ancient Romans were masters of Architecture." The society and building style in Rome was influenced greatly by the Sumerians, Greeks, and Etruscans. In turn, the Romans have influenced us. How Rome created the masterpieces they did is still a mystery to many architects today. The Romans built on the earlier accomplishments of earlier civilizations and truly perfected them.
     The Romans used the Greeks' three types of columns and types, Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. But the Greeks simply erected columns with a roof on top. The Romans wanted to build bigger structures with something more than monotonous columns. So, they invented the arch, spreading out the weight more evenly. The arch may have been of Etruscan invention, but the Romans first applied it, and they did so with elegance. "Roman arches enabled the ancient Romans to rear vast edifices with the humblest materials, to build bridges, aqueducts, sewers, amphitheatres, and triumphal arches, as well as temples and palaces."
     "Though the Romans did build temples to their gods, the Roman style was more predominantly seen in public dwellings and social gathering areas, such as basilicas and forums, than in their temples." Temples to the gods was more of a Greek thing; the Romans did not care as much about impressing the gods with outward style and eloquence, but with the paintings and lighting inside.
     Another brilliant Roman invention is the public bath. They invented a way of keeping the rooms heated by circulating heat from stoves through rooms and under floors, even creating a sauna. The baths had pools for different temperatures of water, rooms for changing, and after a bather was done washing himself, he could go to another room to get a massage with oil. The bath was a luxurious ancient hang out.
    The Romans did not necessarily invent everything we give them credit for. But, they used their heads and applied other civilizations' ideas. Back then, they may not have known that  thousands of years later they would get false credit for creating the arch when all they were doing was upgrading to the next best thing. Their focus on the inside rather than impressing the gods may have been laziness or rebellion for all we know. Maybe their baths were all they really cared about. What will civilizations years from now will think of us? Are we giving too much credit to the Romans?

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